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Category Archives: Auto Tips

Maintaining HD Antifreeze/Coolants

With the invent of organic acid technology (OAT) life-of-the- engine coolants, maintenance of antifreeze/coolant can often take a backseat to other fluids. While OAT coolants have allowed for less maintenance, that doesn’t mean that one should ignore their coolant system completely. After all, 40% of engine problems originate in the cooling system! Let’s review the…
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Sick Cooling System Symptoms

With the hot summer temperatures on the rise, knowing the symptoms of a sick cooling system are critical to your summer driving plans, since cooling system failure is a leading cause of vehicle breakdowns. The most noticeable symptoms are overheating, leaks, a sweet smell of antifreeze and repeatedly needing to add coolant, according to the…
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Why Winterize?

As you say goodbye to autumn, winterizing your vehicle should be a top priority. The non-profit Car Care Council recommends that motorists perform a six-point winter maintenance check of areas that have direct impact on winter driving. “Harsh winter weather can stress out a vehicle, as well as its driver,” said Rich White, executive director,…
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