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Category Archives: antifreeze

Maintaining HD Antifreeze/Coolants

With the invent of organic acid technology (OAT) life-of-the- engine coolants, maintenance of antifreeze/coolant can often take a backseat to other fluids. While OAT coolants have allowed for less maintenance, that doesn’t mean that one should ignore their coolant system completely. After all, 40% of engine problems originate in the cooling system! Let’s review the…
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Testing Extended Life Coolants

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard coolant marketers, OEMs and customers alike say, “There’s no need to test the coolant. We use an ELC.” Extended life coolants, or ELCs, are designed to be more stable, require no supplemental coolant inhibitors and last longer than conventional coolants. However, that doesn’t eliminate the need…
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